Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Jackson is 6 1/2 weeks old!

Time has flown by these past few weeks.  I can't believe that in a week and a half, I'll be back to work.  I'm ready to get out of the house though...I'm feeling a little bit clausterphobic!  I will be sad to leave my little guy, but I'm sure I'll be so excited everyday to come home and see him.

He has started SMILING!  A LOT!  Brock discovered that if you tickle his little neck, and make funny noises he'll get a big grin on his face :)  And usually once he starts, they just keep coming.  It is about the cutest thing I've ever seen!  Sometimes my eyes just water up, because he is just so gosh darn cute, and we are such lucky parents to have such a happy, healthy, beautiful child.

We are thinking that he will start crawling super early, because he is such a strong little bugger!  When I hold him up on my shoulder, he is always trying to crawl up me.  He pushes his little legs into my belly, and just kind of pushes off.  I have to be really careful that I've got a good grip on him, because if not, he is gonna crawl right over the top of me!  And when we lay him out on a blanket on the floor, he is such a wiggly worm.  He is determined to roll over!  He gets pretty close, but no cigar.  I'm sure it'll happen before we know it though.  Wow,  I can't believe how big he's getting!  It feels like we were in the hospital yesterday, and now he's trying to roll over!

At the doctor last week, he weighed 10 pounds 15 ounces.  I'm sure he's well over 11 pounds now!  He's gained over 2 pounds since he was born.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Welcome Jackson! 1/1/11

Well it's about time that I tell you about Jackson coming out of my belly and into this world-don't worry I'll keep the detailed bits to myself! ;)

Friday (New Year's Eve), I dropped by my girlfriend Tiffany's house.  She was telling me that there are some pressure points on your feet that can help you go into labor.  She said it would hurt really bad, but you all know that I was nearing desperation to get that little guy out of there!  So she massaged these pressure points on my feet until I was close to crying.  Then I came home, and my family had come up to visit from SL.  My dad massaged the same spots for me too, just to make sure we gave it our best shot.

Then we all went to see Little Fockers (cute by the way! We got some good laughs)  By the time we got home (about 10 pm), my contractions had begun.  They were 10-15 mins apart and lasted for a few hours.  And they were pretty painful!  The Braxton Hicks contractions I'd been having felt nothing like the real thing!  I went to bed about 12:30am after cheersing Martinelli's, playing Pictionary with the family, and watching the ball drop.

The pain didn't wake me until 6am surprisingly (& luckily!) Contractions were now 8 min-ish apart, and super painful.  I got in a warm bath, and they got closer and closer 7 min, 6 min, and finally when they reached 5 min and were killing me (at about 10 am I think), I woke Brock up and told him he should probably hop in the shower, because we needed to go to the hospital.

We got there at 11:30am, and I was dilated to a 3, which was good news because I was at a 2 the week before.  They said they needed to wait an hour to see if my dilation changed to know if they could keep me or not.  I think I would've died of pain if they had sent me home!  Now I know why they all labor "labor!"  At 1 pm, I was at a 4 and I asked for the epidural.  Can I just tell you something?  I LOVE epidurals.  I told the anethesiologist that he was my new best friend.  He probably gets that a lot...

They broke my water (weird eperience), and then gave me the epidural, which went perfectly smooth.  My doctor, and all of the other doctors were out of town for the holiday.  They called mine, and he said he was sure I wouldn't have him until at least 8 or 9 pm, and that he would be back in town by then.

At about 5:50 pm, the nurse asked me if I'd like her to check and see what I was dilated to, or if I'd like to wait a little longer.  I told her to go ahead and check.  BABY WAS CROWNING!  She's like,  "This baby is coming RIGHT NOW!"  I started freaking out and telling people to find my husband (he was down in the cafeteria), and my mom was calling my family and telling them to hurry their butts over.

They called my doctor, and he said, "I am at Maddox in Brigham City, I'll drive thru the canyon as fast as I can.  Tell her not to push."  WHAT?!? NOT PUSH?!?  I can't even feel my legs,  how do I know if I'm pushing or not?!  Doc walks in the door at 6:06, out pops Jack at 6:16, four pushes later.  Piece of cake!

Couldn't have asked for a better delivery, or a more beautiful baby.  We are so blessed.

Only one minor thing-I think I broke my tailbone in delivery.  Still hurts pretty bad, but I have this amazing child, so all is well.