Sunday, August 1, 2010

18 Weeks! Almost half-way there!

So close to half way, I can't even stand it!  Wonderous things are happening to both me & the baby.  This week I felt him moving around in there, probably doing some crazy back flips or something (because we all know, he is going to be Brock's little boy-a little daredevil!)

I can't feel him if I touch my belly (like on my hand), but I can definitely feel some ultra strange butterflies in there every once in a while, and so since I haven't ever had a feeling like that before, I'm assuming that's him :)

I've been feeling dizzy occasionally, which is something I'm going to have to ask the doc about, but when I googled it, I read that it's pretty normal...

Jackson is about the size of a bell pepper now, WOW! And weighs approximately 7 oz.

I keep shopping & shopping because I'm just too excited not to!  This week he got some adorable bibs, one with a little elephant on it that feels all soft & fuzzy, and some mini sized shorts with aligators & turtles on them!  I just cant get over how teeny everything is!  Everything is so much cuter when it's miniturized!  Also, his Grandma & Grandpa Maurer got him his first real camo outfit--adorable!  I'm sure he will be just as fond of Cabella's as his daddy is!

We have been on a constant search for the perfect crib! This is a hard task to accomplish.  I have found probably 5 or 8 that Im thinking about, and the Maurer's also offered to let us use Brock's old crib if we can't find one we're in love with.  I am having the hardest time making a decision, but seriously, when am I not??  I am probably one of the most indecisive people I know--especially when it comes to the important stuff.  And this is pretty much at the top of the list right now.

Here are a few pictures of ones I'm considering...tell me what you think! 
So this photo is really small, sorry I couldn't find a bigger one.  But
it is pretty cherry wood, and I really love the solid sides. 
The drawer underneath is pretty awesome, and would be good storage space for extra sheets or blankets.
 I also like the stylized back, and how it's higher than the front.

The back is cute, and the simple style is classic and pretty.

Obviously Jackson's room isn't going to be pink, so just
 ignore that part haha, but the crib itself is cute.  
This one is beautiful!  Love the back!  It has a little higher price tag than the others, but it
might be worth it...?  But would this be good for our next child, even if it was a girl?

Any of your advice would be very well appreciated!  

This Saturday, we threw a little yardsale to try to make some room in our house for Jackson.  And surprisingly, it was a success!  We got rid of some things we didn't need anymore, and by the end we had a little extra cash in pocket to help with the nursery.  Our friends Landon & Tiffany came over and brought a few of their things as well, so that made it fun.  Mostly, we just felt like we were hanging out all day, and it didn't feel like work at all!  The Otter Pops probably helped!  :)  I got some major sun, and am a little on the red side today, but hey-it's all worth it in the end.  

Brock is up tubing the Oneida River in Preston, ID today with some friends.  Last year I had a little accident that included a popped tube and a bruised up Chantel, so I decided it probably wasn't the best idea to try it again while prego.  I hope he's having a good time though!  

I am just enjoying a relaxing Sunday, which was very well needed/wanted/deserved.